Gene Factory  TOS 利用規約
★Gene Factory ジーンファクトリーは燈門 吟(アカカト キン)の公式個人サイトです。 ★Welcome! To my creation site "Gene Factory ジーンファクトリー"!
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  2. TOS

▶Terms of service


★ご利用規約★ ●Terms of service

【重要】無断転載禁止とそれに伴う通報及び罰則について- "important"Prohibition of reprinting without permission and report and penalties accompanying it.

★今後当サークルのコンテンツの無断使用については以下『※必ずお読みください※』に記載してある全ての項目に了承したものとします。 『無断転載禁止とそれに伴う通報及び罰則』の詳細は以下の項目をご覧ください。 In future, regarding the unauthorized use of the contents of my circle, I regard it as all you acknowledged to all the items described in "※ Please be sure to read ※" below.  Please refer to the following items for details of "prohibition of reprint without permission and report and penalties accompanying it".

★なお、今後より画像の無断使用は発覚次第、使用料の請求をさせて頂きます。 ★ In future, I will charge a royalty fee as soon as it is discovered for any reason unauthorized use of the image without permission.

●当サークルの作品のご利用希望の方は事前に以下の文章全てをよくお読みになってから、こちらTwitterのDMよりお問い合わせ下さい★ ★Those who wish to use this my work please read the following sentence of "Please be sure to read" beforehand, please contact from the contact page or DM of Twitter ★

※必ずお読みください※Please be sure to read it


・Unauthorized reproduction of this work, illegal use is prohibited. We will take legal action if we scan or DL without permission.

・这项工作的未经授权复制、非法使用被禁止。 如果扫描或DL未经允许、我将采法律行动。

・No part of this publication may be lent, resold, reproduced, scanned, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the author, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of editing, binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.  Unauthorized copying and replication of the contents of this site, text and images are strictly prohibited.
Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws.(՞ਊ ՞)b


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