Gene Factory Contact
★Gene Factory ジーンファクトリーは燈門 吟(アカカト キン)の公式個人サイトです。 ★Welcome! To my creation site "Gene Factory"!
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● I look forward to your feedback and comments. &You can ask me a job from this form.

 ●あなたの一言が燈門 (アカカト)のモチベーションを高めてくれる上に、やる気が上がって新作の発表ペースが上がるかもしれません。(`;ω;´) I may be motivated and the pace of announcements of new works may go speed up, as your word make will enhance my motivation.

 ●The latest information is posted on Twitter. Please tell me your impression of my works. I also welcome messages from you in English. But I will use machine translation as I do not understand English. That's why I'd be happy if you write it with easy-to-understand sentences.

●著作権の詳細・お仕事のご依頼は ▶WorksTwitterのDMからお願いします。 ● For copyright details and requests for work, be sure to read the works page or Twitter .

▼メールフォーム ・Contact form



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